Looking for Childcare Resources
Looking for Childcare Resources
For families looking for child care:
- To search for family day homes and/or licensed child care centers by zip code and check availability https://find.childcare.texas.gov/. A center’s or home’s compliance record can be checked here as well. For a copy of the Minimum Standards https://www.hhs.texas.gov/sites/default/files/documents/doing-business-with-hhs/provider-portal/protective-services/ccl/min-standards/chapter-746-centers.pdf
- List of NAEYC Accredited centers – 1-800-424-2460 or https://families.naeyc.org/find-quality-child-care
- List of NAFCC Accredited family child care – 801-269-9338 or https://www.nafcc.org/Accredited-Provider-Search-Function
- 2-1-1 Texas – Call 211 or go to www.211centraltexas.org
Child Care Options at Austin Community College:
ACC/Kids https://www.austincc.edu/students/child-care
ACC Children’s Lab School https://education.austincc.edu/child-lab-school/
- Day Program – Offers a full-day, year round care option only; serves children 6 months-5 years; Hours 7:30 am-5:30 pm; Waiting list – enrollment occurs in early summer for the following academic year; students who receive PELL and are full-time (or part-time and working) may qualify for our CCAMPIS grant
- Evening Program – Offers part-time care in the evening while parents are in class; serves children 2-10 years; Application – enrollment occurs during the two week period prior to the semester; Students who receive PELL and are full-time (or part-time and working) may qualify for our CCAMPIS grant
Funding Sources:
Organizations who may offer reduced or sliding scale tuition for qualifying families (most have waiting lists):
- Workforce Solutions Capital Area Child Care Services (CCS) – 512-597-7191 or http://www.wfscapitalarea.com/ChildcareServices.aspx
- Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area Child Care Services (CCS) – https://workforcesolutionsrca.com/childcare/parents
- ACC Support Center – https://www.austincc.edu/students/support-center (tuition vouchers for child care assistance and textbooks)
- Capital Idea – 512-457-8610 or http://www.austincc.edu/support-and-services/services-for-students/student-support-programs/support-center (tuition, fees, books and child care for some degrees)
- Jeremiah Program Child Development Center – 512-770-9036 or https://jeremiahprogram.org/austin/ (onsite housing, child care, and support services)
Texas Rising Star programs, some of whom may have sliding scale spots:
- Workforce Solutions Capital Area Child Care Services https://www.wfscapitalarea.com/ChildcareServices/ForParents.aspx#60821-choosing-a-provider
- Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area Child Care Services https://workforcesolutionsrca.com/childcare/parents/search-for-providers
Go to Contractor Provider List. Click on TRS-Specific Provider List by Name or TRS-Specific Provider List by Zip Code for a list of centers that have met a higher set of standards through the Texas Rising Star (TRS) program and may be able to refer a family to the Workforce Solutions Child Care Services waiting list because they receive City-County funding.
Head Start Programs
- Child Inc. (Travis County) http://childinc.org/
- Opportunities (Williamson and Burnett Counties) http://www.owbc-tx.org/head-start/
- Centex (Bastrop, Fayette, Lee and Colorado Counties) http://www.ctfhs.org/home.aspx
- Community Action (Hays County) http://communityaction.com/our-services/head-start/
Pre-K 3 and 4 Programs in Public Schools
Go to the website for the ISD that serves your community and search for pre-kindergarten
Programs for children with special needs:
- Early Childhood Intervention (ECI); 0-3 year olds – 1-800-628-5115 https://hhs.texas.gov/services/disability/early-childhood-intervention-services
- Child Find (Region XIII); 3-5 year olds – 512-919-5177 or https://www4.esc13.net/ppcd/accountability/child-find/
Parenting Information:
- NAEYC for Families – https://families.naeyc.org/families-todayÂ
- Any Baby Can – 512-454-3743 or https://anybabycan.org/
- Texas Child Care Solutions – https://texaschildcaresolutions.org/
- Parent Companion (for parents of children with diagnosed or suspected disabilities) – https://www.parentcompanion.org/
Resource and Referral for General Social Services:
2-1-1 Texas
Call 211 or go to www.211centraltexas.org
211 Texas delivers efficient access to the most appropriate sources of help and information. Anywhere in Texas, anyone can call 211 for free information and referrals to health and human service agencies, nonprofit and faith-based organizations, disaster relief resources, and volunteer opportunities. The 211 helpline in Central Texas maintains a comprehensive community resource database of services providing assistance with health care, employment, educational, legal, housing, counseling, and transportation needs, and much more.
To Report Suspected Child Abuse:
- Child Abuse Hotline – 1-800-252-5400
The following information is from Don’t Be in the Dark About Child Care www.dontbeinthedark.org Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
Top 10 questions for your child care
- May I see your state permit and your last inspection?
- What experience and training do you have in caring for children?
- How many children do you care for and how do you ensure that you meet all their needs?
- May I see your operational policies so I can learn more about your services?
- What’s a typical day like for a child in your care?
- How do you protect the health and safety of children in your care?
- Do you know about and always use safe sleep practices with infants?
- How do you discipline children?
- How do you handle emergencies and under what circumstances will you contact me?
- How will you discuss progress and concerns related to my child?
Quick Tips
- Learn the facts before entrusting your child to someone else and always choose state regulated child care.
- Research your options. Find a licensed or registered child care in your area and check its inspection record at TXChildCareSearch.org
- Visit the child care center or home while children are there and look for features that will help your child thrive. Ask to view where your child will sleep or rest.
- Meet and interview the caregiver or director.
- Keep talking with your child’s caregiver. Talk about concerns and make sure you are happy with their answers.
- Keep talking to your kids. Ask them how the day went, what they did, who they saw, or if anything special happened.
- Report anything that may affect any child’s health or safety, including child abuse or neglect or illegal care to the Texas Abuse Hotline at 1-800-252-5400.