Licensing Information
Licensing Information
Texas Health and Human Services
Child Care Regulation
Parents have the right to contact THHS at 512-424-6500 or 4900 N. Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78751-2316, if they have complaints about violations of Minimum Standards for licensed child care facilities or allegations of child abuse or neglect. Parents may also view a copy of the Minimum Standards Rules for Child Care Centers and recent licensing reports located at the front desk of the center or on the THHS website at https://hhs.texas.gov/
Child Protective Services
Texas state law requires staff of this child care facility to report any suspected abuse or neglect of a child to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services by calling the Child Abuse Hotline at 800-252-5400 or a law enforcement agency. As outlined in the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct, staff is oriented and trained regarding signs and symptoms of child abuse and reporting policies and procedures. When staff has a reasonable cause to suspect child abuse or neglect they are required to report to Child Protective Services.