Program Outcomes for Exercise Science
Program Outcomes for Exercise Science
Fitness Skills Perform fitness assessment skills and use of traditional training equipment for an apparently healthy adult.
Wellness Describe wellness and its role in health.
Facility Describe a standard fitness facility in regards to it’s organizational structure, financial management and legal concerns.
Equipment Use Recognize and apply appropriate training equipment for an apparently healthy adult and a special population adult.
Exercise Physiology Articulate acute and chronic adaptations of multiple human systems to overloads created by resistance, aerobic and anaerobic methods of training.
Biomechanics Demonstrate the capacity to integrate anatomical structures in regards to human movement.
Program Design Create and implement a comprehensive training program for an individual that demonstrates appropriateness and goal-oriented design elements.
Professionalism Demonstrate professionalism in the workplace and the ability to work with others.
Group Exercise Demonstrate the skills required to teach exercise in a variety of group settings.