EDUC 1301: Introduction to the Teaching Profession
EDUC 1301: Introduction to the Teaching Profession
An integrated pre–service course and content experience for those interested in a teaching career. Activities will include a focus on developing systematic observation skills and an overview of the dimensions of teaching. Students will participate in a minimum of 16 contact hours in P–12 classrooms with varied and diverse student populations. The field observations will take place in four settings: early childhood, elementary, middle, and high schools. The field observations will be used to support the connection of theory to actual practice. Students in EDUC 1301 must pass a criminal history background check and complete 16 hours of field observations in the public schools. Field observations will be scheduled during public school hours Monday–Thursday. Background checks and placements will be addressed during the first week of class.
What are the requirements for passing EDUC 1301 Introduction to the Teaching Profession?
Along with completing written assignments, exams and class projects, each student enrolled in EDUC 1301 is required to complete 16 hours of classroom field observations in the public schools.
Do the public schools have any guidelines for field observation placements?
All students enrolled in EDUC 1301 must pass a criminal background check in order to conduct field observations on public school campuses.
What grade levels will students observe in order to complete the required classroom observations?
Observations will be scheduled on four different levels for four hours each: early childhood (pre-k or kinder classes); elementary grades 1-5; middle school; and high school.
When will students conduct classroom field observations?
Field observations will be conducted during time frames apart from EDUC 1301 class lecture time. Students are expected to visit participating schools during normal hours of operation. This will require that observers are available during normal school hours. School hours of operation differ, depending on grade level. Students should be available at least two days of the school week in order to attend scheduled observations. No Friday placements are allowed.
Will observations be limited to academic or core classes?
All classes offered on PK-12 public school campuses are eligible for students to observe. These include electives such as music, physical education, art and vocational training courses.
Will students enrolled in EDUC 1301 be responsible for arranging their own field observations?
Field observations will be arranged and managed by the Education Instruction Department Program Specialist. The Education Instruction Department Program Coordinator secures school partnerships for placement of all students.
How will earned field hours be verified?
Field observation log sheets will be distributed to observers before each scheduled classroom visit. Hosting teachers will sign the log sheets in order to verify attendance. Observers are also required to sign in at the school office on each campus they visit for observations. Sign-in records of all observers are maintained by participating schools.